Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden‑Württemberg
State Palaces and Gardens of Baden-Wuerttemberg
Whether for kindergartens or schools, we offer interactive tours for every age


Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg follows its educational mandate by bringing the state's cultural heritage to life for individuals with any kind of needs. We specialize in sharing information through tours in historic costume.

Schussenried Monastery, young visitors in the monastery museum

Exciting adventure tours for your youngest ones.


The standard and special tours offered by Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg provide visitors to the historic monuments with a wide range of options that speak to a variety of interests. These include special tours based on annual mottoes, tours in historic costume, culinary adventure tours, family-friendly programs, tours for inquiring minds as well as interesting workshops.

Visitors in the courtyard during the spring festival at Wäscherschloss Castle

Festive mood at Wäscherschloss Castle.

Fachkundig und unterhaltsam

Our offers are as varied as our visitors. First-time visitors can get an overview of a monument's architectural history and learn about its inhabitants in our standard tour, while repeat visitors might enjoy specialized tours. For example, Ludwigsburg Residential Palace also offers tours for the hearing or vision-impaired. Every year, huge festivals attract many families to the state's palaces and gardens, which have been stages for functions and celebrations from the beginning.